As we enter the colder months, the latest Covid booster vaccine roll-out across England and Scotland has begun. Everyone is encouraged to get the vaccine when possible to provide ongoing protection and to prevent the most vulnerable from becoming severely ill from Covid-19. The JCVI has stated that the following groups, including unpaid carers, will be offered booster vaccinations before the winter months;

  • older care home residents and care home staff
  • frontline health and social care workers
  • all adults aged 50 plus
  • persons from 5 to 49 in a clinically at risk group
  • persons from 16 to 49 who share a household with people who have immunosuppression
  • carers (from 16-49)

How do I get the booster vaccine?

You can apply for it using the national online booking system.

Across the UK, if you're a carer and you haven't been called up yet, it is advisable to request a booster vaccine as soon as possible unless you are exempt.

Register as an unpaid carer with your GP

We'd always recommend telling your GP that you are a carer. Your GP can help you access local support services and ensures you will be on priority lists for certain vaccines including the flu and Covid-19 booster vaccines.

Can I get the booster vaccine at the same time as the person I care for?

Yes. Please contact your GP practice to make it known that you would like to get the booster at the same time as the person you care for. Please note that vaccination sites are not able to support walk-in appointments.

Do I need to prove that I am an unpaid carer when I go for my booster vaccine?

You should not have to prove that you are a carer furthermore if the NHS has contacted you, then you will not need to prove your status as an unpaid carer.

Can I get my flu vaccine at the same time?

Under current recommendations, no. The JCVI has stated that there should be a gap of at least seven days between vaccines. Just like the Covid booster vaccination, you will be contacted directly when it is possible for you to receive a free flu jab.

If you have any other questions regarding the vaccines, please contact your GP for more information.